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Why Sleep Apnea in Columbus Requires Customized Care

March 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — columbussleepcenter @ 8:11 pm

wife upset with husband snoringHave you been told you snore loudly while you sleep? Do you often awaken feeling unrefreshed, even after seven-to-eight hours of sleep? If either of these symptoms apply to you, then you may be suffering from sleep apnea in Columbus. The most important thing on your mind, then, is how this can be treated. A local dentist provides details on how to recover and why over-the-counter treatment options should be avoided.

What is Sleep Apnea?

The term ‘sleep apnea’ refers to frequent lapses in breathing throughout a sleep cycle. The most common form of the condition is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a partial blockage of the airway that limits the flow of oxygen.

These bouts of breath loss can happen hundreds of times throughout the night, and when they do, a distress signal is sent from the brain that interrupts sleep to reinitiate the flow of air. It’s good to know, though, that with treatment from a highly-trained sleep dentist, you can recover from sleep apnea.

How Sleep Apnea Can be Treated

The most common form of treatment for OSA is the CPAP machine, which consists of base unit, tube and mask that is worn throughout the night. For many people, though, this method is uncomfortable and loud, two traits that can prevent a restful night of sleep.

The solution that many patients are turning to is a custom oral appliance, which is small, quiet and comfortable. It helps to slightly reposition the jaw to allow for better airflow.

While there are generic oral appliances available, do they measure-up to the quality delivered by an oral appliance custom-designed by a qualified sleep dentist?

Let’s look at three factors to determine which route is best to take.

How the Oral Appliance Fits

The fit of your oral appliance is crucial to the success of your treatment. That’s why it’s important to have it designed to specifically accommodate the shape of your mouth and teeth and the current position of your jaw.

To accomplish this, you’ll need to visit a sleep dentist.

The Adjustability of the Oral Appliance

As you age, your issues with sleep apnea could worsen, which means adjustments may be needed to your oral appliance. This option is only available with a custom-designed mouthpiece from a sleep dentist.

The Longevity of the Oral Appliance

When you invest in your health, you want products and results that will last. There is no guarantee of that when you take the over-the-counter route, and when the appliance begins to prematurely fail, there is the possibility of pain, continued snoring and overall, ineffective treatment of your condition.

A Quality Product Meets Expertise

When you visit a local sleep dentist who has received the advanced training necessary to treat sleep breathing disorders like OSA, your outcome already looks brighter. Then, the custom-designed, high-quality oral appliance will better ensure you a full recovery and the ability to function properly throughout the day.

About the Author

A graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, Dr. Eric Buck has been a fixture in the Columbus community for years. A member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, he specializes in treating OSA at The Columbus Sleep Center, and he can be reached for more information through his website.


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